Days passed like a blur, where we are still on the first grading now second grading was already done without knowing it. ICT lessons is still on going but in second grading we learned about Internet access and HTML. Internet access means by which individual terminals, computers, mobile devices and local area networks are connected to the global internet. In this lesson we discovered about the Local Area Network where the it provides internet access to the computers and the Wireless Broadband where it is used to provide mobile internet access. Next lesson is the HTML or Hypertext Markup Language. It is the time that we had activities on this and I find it difficult to make this one. First grading when we had a blog and until now we are posting articles. Blog is very helpful because it can help you. With the internet, you can see how useful to us. Discovering new knowledge can help us. But in doing activities about HTML tags, I tried to give up but I real...